How to install a pocket bike fuel filter.
You can pick up a filter at a local auto parts store. It is a paper element fuel filter, and small enough to install on a pocket bike. There are a lot of different fuel filters out in the market made for small engines. The better ones are the ones with a micron mesh the stainless steel kind. If you do go to an auto parts store just ask the sales personnel for a fuel filter that fits two stroke engines. Normal cost for the fuel filter ranges from $2.00 to $10.00 depending on quality etc. You will also need steel clamps that will fit a ¼ inch fuel line. You’ll need four of them to clamp on each end (one at the nozzle of the gas tank, two for each end of the fuel filter, and one at the fuel line that connects to the carb just look at the current setup on your bike and copy it).
Materials needed:
*Phillips and flathead screwdriver
*Needle nose pliers
*Digital Camera (take pics before you take things apart so you will know what it looked like before you tore things apart, makes assembly a lot easier if this is you first time).
Install process
1. Cut out one end of the fuel line and connect the fuel filter. (Be careful about how much fuel line you are cutting you don’t want to run short).
2. Connect the other end of the filter to the fuel line to the carb.
3. Install the fuel line and filter to the gas tank, make sure there are no kinks in the fuel line.
4. Assemble your bike back and start it up to make sure everything is working fine.
5. 11pm on a weekday go ride through residential areas :) my neighbor hood loves me.